Oracle Oasis

Oracle Oasis Bathhouse
Location: Crystal - Diabolos - Lavender Beds - Ward 6 - Plot 6
Hours of Operation: Thursday 9pm - 12am EST


Our lovely Staff have the freedom to set their own rates - Speak to your person of interest to see about spending some time alone together!

Private Rooms - 100k

If you prefer something more private and away from the crowds, you may rent a Private Room (FC Chambers) for an additional fee. It is not required to have a member of Staff accompany you - just enjoy a worry free night at the resort!

Room 1 - Rainy Loft

Room 2 - Sensations

Room 3 - Candlelit

Room 4 - The Red Spa

Room 5 - Blissful Bath

Room 6 - Modern

Room 7 - Relaxation

Room 8 - Attic

VIP Services

VIP Tier 1 - 200k per week

You may rent a VIP Private Bath with bottle service and a free round of drinks for your party. You may also choose to bring any member(s) of staff in for SFW entertainment (100k per staff member chosen).

VIP Tier 2 - 250k per week

All of the above benefits + free Private Room

Lifetime VIP - 50M

All of the above benefits + free Private Room, Name permanently added to our Investors tab.


Signature Drink (15k)

The Oracle

Gin, Vanilla Liquor, Lilac Syrup, Lemon Juice

Cocktails (10k)

*other beverages such as Tea, Coffee, and Hot Cocoa are also avaiable upon request (3k)

* Bar Buyout - 1Mil for the entire night

Appetizers (5k)

Siren's Call (50k Gamba)


Water Lillies



Contact Us

You can contact us through discord! Announcements are made weekly, and you may submit an application through our #hiring tab!
